Project land was acquired (and is available) for 2-Lane 148 KM length Highway from Nuriabad to Karchat to Sehwan. Project tenders were invited in 1991. Project was re-designed to satisfy the EPA and IUCN concerns. Every effort was made to satisfy it’s EPA Specialist Mr. James Ramsey. Together with SWLD Conservator, Day and Night surveillance of Chinkara, Ibex and other Flora-Fauna species. People movement were watched specifically from Thano Bola Khan; Thano Ahmed Khan and various other localities along Bholari River. New design provided for fencing total route, laying down specific vehicle-guidelines for controlling CO2, and other pollutants; providing sound barriers at wildlife sanctuaries, underpasses were provided for free movement of animals, waterholes were designed, wardens were proposed for checking poachers so on with other facilities and controls as per OECF (ODA JAPAN) EIA Guidelines. Yet, the Project couldn’t be saved. I may say that it was not only IUCN that finally stalled the Project but some other factors including Press, Journalists resisted the Project tooth and nail using local resources, petition in court, and withdrawal of funds from Japanese donors. All these factors ultimately shelved the Project.

I am not the authority to comment or pass judgment whether the Project was or is overall beneficial but, based on the finals due economic studies as done by you, I as Project Director representing NHA tried to save the Project. However, I can’t say about the NHA’s present strategy about the Project.

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1. We provided all possible explanations, clarifications, technical as well as physical to everyone having objections on the project alignments including head IUCN at Karachi, particularly their following technical members:

a. Mr. James Ramsay, Environmental Specialist (Representing IUCN)

b. Mr. Abdul Bari, Chief Engineer (Highways) (Representing GOS)

c. Mr. Abrar Hussain Mirza, Conservator SWLD (Representing GOS)

2. In the wake of the growing criticism we carried out reconnaissance and rekey of alternative alignments including along the bed of Baran Nadi (Bholari River), and proved that everywhere, it was not possible to penetrate the Khirther Mountains. River Water runs round the year in its bed as Surface and Subsurface Runoffs. It receives streams from high peak mountains, collected in estuaries under the foot of the mountains. During driving wherever could our vehicle move, its tie rod twisted and its tire wheel nuts sheared off in the invisible running waters under the sand-surfaces. Rest places we tried by foot.

3. The route could be said real Greenfield Project not accessible by any land facility. The Karchat to Sehwan Section is such a difficult terrain that not even bird’s-eye might have had traversed it in one flight from end to end.

“ The Chief Engineer Highways, Pajero fell in ditch because he was travelling with me, his vehicle was damaged and was taken out later.”

4. This section comprised two-contract packages 1 & 2 .It was given first priority in 13 other Contract Packages between Nuriabad and Peshawar. The Contracts suffered setbacks when the works were at the verge to be awarded to two international evaluated responsive lowest bidders.

5. ^[Edit] The Contracts were being financed through OECF (ODA-JAPANESE) Soft-Loan at perhaps the Service Charges only. The procurement payments by maximum 15% Japanese Yen and rest in PKR.

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